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miércoles, 29 de junio de 2016

EU warns UK on freedom of movement

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There can be “no single market a la carte” for the UK, EU leaders have warned, after meeting in Brussels to discuss the UK vote to leave the bloc.

Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, said anyone wanting access to the EU’s internal market had to adhere to strict criteria “without exception”.

There could be “no negotiation without notification”, he said.

The German and French leaders and the Council President said the same.

Donald Tusk said there would be another meeting of EU leaders, excluding the UK, on 16 September in Bratislava.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel also reiterated that there would be no discussions until Article 50 was formally triggered by the UK government.

“We wish that that would happen as soon as possible,” she said.

All copyrights for this article are reserved to BBC News

EU warns UK on freedom of movement

BBC News, Noticias | #BBCNews #Noticias | La tienda de JM

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