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jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016

Syria war: Russia rejects US calls to halt bombing eastern Aleppo

Syrian civilians and rescuers search for survivors following air strikes in the rebel held neighbourhood of Al-Shaar in Aleppo, 27 September 2016 Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Eastern Aleppo has come under intense aerial bombardment for the past week

Russia has said it will carry on bombing rebel-held eastern Aleppo in Syria, defying US demands to stop.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday that the Russian air force would continue its support of the Syrian armed forces.

He also urged Washington to deliver on a pledge to separate moderate Syrian opposition fighters from "terrorists".

It comes after the US warned that it will end talks on military co-operation unless Moscow stops the bombing.

US state department spokesman John Kirby said on Wednesday that Russia had an interest in stopping the violence in Syria.

He said the conflict presents extremists with an opportunity to "exploit the vacuums" in the region and launch attacks "against Russian interests, perhaps even Russian cities".

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Despite growing tensions between the two nations, Mr Peskov said Russia remains interested in pursuing talks with the US in an effort to resolve the crisis in Syria.

His comments echo a statement from Moscow, which insisted it would send diplomats to Geneva to discuss ways of normalising the situation with the US.

But on Wednesday US Secretary of State John Kerry warned his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov that Washington will end talks unless Moscow stops its bombardment of Aleppo.

Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Russian-backed Syrian government forces have launched a concerted campaign to recapture Aleppo

Meanwhile Turkey has said it will work with Russia on putting in place another ceasefire after the previous agreement collapsed.

Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told reporters in Ankara "we are more than ready" but emphasised that nations have to try harder to find a political resolution in order for an agreement to be effective.

Aleppo has come under heavy aerial bombardment since the partial truce deal disintegrated a week ago.

Some 250,000 people are trapped in the east in appalling conditions, under siege from Russian-backed Syrian forces.

Media captionAleppo: Key battleground in Syria"s civil war

The US has accused Russia of taking part in strikes on civilian targets and possibly committing war crimes – charges Russia has strongly denied.

Original Article

Syria war: Russia rejects US calls to halt bombing eastern Aleppo

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