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martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

The tragedy of Aberfan

Ar 21 Hydref 1966 cafodd 144 o bobl eu lladd pan lithrodd tomen lo i lawr mynydd a chladdu ysgol gynradd a deunaw o dai ym mhentref Aberfan. O"r rheiny fu farw, roedd 116 yn blant rhwng saith a deg oed.

On 21 October 1966 a coal tip slid down a mountain and engulfed a primary school and 18 houses in the village of Aberfan – killing 116 children between the ages of seven and ten, and 28 adults. Half a century on, we look at some of the most powerful images of the tragedy"s aftermath.

Image copyright PA
Image caption Roedd plant Ysgol Gynradd Pantglas newydd orffen gwasanaeth boreol pan dorrwyd ar yr heddwch // It was the last day of school before half term when the Pantglas Junior School was engulfed by an avalanche of coal
Image copyright Fox Photos
Image caption Cafodd stâd o argyfwng ei gyhoeddi yn y pentref a heidiodd pobl o bob rhan o Brydain i helpu // A state of emergency was announced in the village as people flocked from all over Britain to help
Image copyright Keystone
Image caption Bu"n rhaid i weithwyr gadw"n dawel ar adegau rhag ofn i unrhyw un glywed gweiddi ymysg y rwbel // An eerie silence often filled the air during the rescue effort as workers listened for any cries of help among the rubble
Image copyright Keystone
Image caption Corff yn cael ei gludo o"r dinistr gan wirfoddolwyr a phlismyn. Dim ond 25 o blant wnaeth oroesi"r drychineb // A victim"s body is carried away from the destruction. Only 25 children survived
Image copyright Keystone/Getty Images
Image caption Wrth i"r oriau fynd heibio roedd hi"n mynd yn fwy anhebygol bod unrhyw un a oedd wedi goroesi ar ôl // As the hours passed, workers began losing hope of finding any more survivors
Image copyright Jim Gray
Image caption Bu gwirfoddolwyr a thimau achub yn gweithio"n ddiflino drwy"r nos i geisio achub pobl // Volunteers and emergency workers worked tirelessly through the night in search of any survivors
Image copyright Keystone
Image caption Teulu yn galaru mewn angladd torfol ar 28 Hydref 1966 // A bereaved family at a mass funeral for 81 of the victims, which was held seven days after the tragedy
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Mae llawer o"r cyrff wedi"u claddu wrth ochr ei gilydd // Many of the bodies have been buried beside each other
Image copyright Chuck Rapoport
Image caption Bachgen yn chwarae ar ei ben ei hun mewn parc rhai wythnosau wedi"r gyflafan // A generation wiped out: American photographer Chuck Rapoport took this photo of a lonely young boy on a merry-go-round in Aberfan weeks after the disaster
Image caption Cofeb sydd i"w weld yng Ngardd Goffa Aberfan heddiw // A plaque was revealed at the Aberfan Memorial Garden in 2006
Image caption Mae rhesi o gerrig beddi gwyn yn rhoi syniad o faint y golled y diwrnod hwnnw // Rows of headstones in Aberfan cemetery mark the final resting places of those who died on that fateful day

Original Article

The tragedy of Aberfan

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