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sábado, 30 de abril de 2016

Argentines protest against Macri reforms

Workers protest against skyrocketing consumer prices and job cuts in Buenos Aires (29 April 2016)

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The protest brought much of central Buenos Aires to a standstill as demonstrators beat drums and chanted

Thousands of Argentines have staged a noisy protest against job cuts imposed under President Mauricio Macri’s economic reforms.

The demonstration was organised by two major labour unions, the CGT and CTA, who united against the president’s cuts to spending and public sector jobs.

The unions say that 100,000 workers have lost their jobs in the public and private sectors since President Macri came to power.

But the president argues that tough reforms are necessary to restore Argentina’s damaged economy.

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The unions want the president to reduce soaring inflation which has driven up the price of food and other essentials

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Private and public sector workers took part in Friday’s march – they plan another demonstration on Sunday to mark International Workers’ Day

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Unions say 100,000 workers have lost their jobs in the public and private sectors since President Macri came to power

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Private and public sector workers took part in Friday’s demonstration

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The workers were protesting against skyrocketing consumer prices and job cuts

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Some of the demonstrators carried signs which read: “No more layoffs”

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The workers are also unhappy over the president’s moves to raise utility prices and pass financial reforms which they say are damaging their spending power

All copyrights for this article are reserved to BBC News

Argentines protest against Macri reforms

BBC News, noticias | #BBCNews #Noticias | La tienda de JM

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