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viernes, 29 de julio de 2016

Mariko Oi: Tokyo"s ill-tempered election

Shuntaro Torigoe (l) Yuriko KoikeImage copyright Reuters
Image caption Yuriko Koike (r) is currently leading the polls while journalist Shuntaro Torigoe is another of the candidates

Tokyo is preparing to vote for its next governor, one of the biggest jobs in Japan, which this term comes with the added pressure of overseeing the 2020 Olympics preparations. But as Mariko Oi reports, the election campaign has been marred by insult-slinging and allegations of sexism.

"Traitor". "Too much make-up". "Dressed as a woman but a hawkish man".

These are some of the comments which have been flung in what has become one of the most negative campaigns of recent years in Japan.

Twenty-one people will be running for Tokyo"s top job in Sunday"s election and former defence and environment minister Yuriko Koike is currently considered to be in the lead.

She would become Tokyo"s first female governor if elected.

But unusually, Ms Koike"s party – the ruling Liberal Democrat Party (LDP) – has chosen not to back her, in favour of Hiroya Masuda, a former governor of the Iwate prefecture between 1995 and 2007, who isn"t a party member.

Image copyright Reuters
Image caption Hiroya Masuda has won the support of the influential local LDP membership

The influential local LDP leadership, who is furious with Ms Koike"s decision to announce her candidacy without consulting them, has even warned members they risk being ousted if they endorse anyone but Mr Masuda.

Ms Koike"s lead in the polls has annoyed LDP grandees, with former Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara, the father of the local LDP federation chairman, telling voters: "We cannot leave Tokyo to a woman with too much make-up."

Her supporters were disgusted by what they called a sexist remark, but, after decades in Japan"s male-dominated political theatre, Ms Koike laughed it off: "I am used to it."

Harsh comments have also come from other female politicians, however, with former Social Democratic Party leader Mizuho Fukushima saying that she wouldn"t support Ms Koike simply because she was a woman.

"It"s meaningless when she is dressed as a woman but inside is a hawkish man," she said.

This comment drew criticism – because it was seen to be insensitive as Ms Koike had her ovaries removed in 1998 because of fibroids.

For journalist Shuntaro Torigoe – running as the joint candidate for several opposition parties – it has not been his gender but his age and health that have been publicly scrutinised.

He is 76 and a cancer survivor. While also among the front-runners, his critics say his scrawled handwriting and at times rambling and contradictory speeches are proof he is too old and frail to lead. Some, including doctors, have even asked if he might have dementia.

Mr Torigoe has said he is fit to govern and is simply being discriminated against because of his successful battle against the disease.

And he has also faced one of the strongest insults possible in Japan, when Mr Ishihara called him a traitor to the country. This was because Mr Torigoe previously questioned whether it would be worth protecting the uninhabited Senkaku islands – also claimed by China, which calls them the Diaoyu – if they were attacked.

Mr Ishihara, who had initiated the national purchase of the islands while governor in 2012, was infuriated by the suggestion.

Image copyright AFP
Image caption Shintaro Ishihara was infuriated by Mr Torigoe"s comments on the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands

What appears to be affecting Mr Torigoe"s popularity most, however, is an accusation that he made an inappropriate approach to women.

Mr Torigoe is suing two tabloid magazines for libel, but his decision not to hold a press conference about the accusation, as well as his last-minute cancellation to appear on a debate programme, has led to criticism that he is contradicting his lifelong pursuit of a free press.

As they go to the polls on Sunday, one of the main concerns in the minds of Tokyoites is the ballooning budget for the 2020 Olympics, which have also been hit by other problems including allegations of corruption and plagiarism of original logo designs.

Another major issue which the candidates are urged to seriously tackle is the lack of childcare, which would allow mothers to go back to work.

But above all, transparency is crucial in many voters" minds after two past governors, Naoki Inose and Yoichi Masuzoe, resigned over money scandals.

Whoever gets elected on Sunday will serve a four-year term – and could be re-elected – but it is unclear if the next election will take place before, during or after the city"s second Olympic Games in 2020.

What voters want is stability and to avoid a revolving door at City Hall.

Original Article

Mariko Oi: Tokyo"s ill-tempered election

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