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martes, 30 de agosto de 2016

UK and France to hold migration talks

Tents in the Jungle camp in CalaisImage copyright AFP/Getty Images
Image caption More than 9,000 people live in the camp known as the Jungle in Calais, France

Home Secretary Amber Rudd is due to meet her French counterpart in Paris later, amid calls for British border controls in Calais to be reviewed.

Ms Rudd is due to discuss security with French Interior Minster Bernard Cazeneuve during the scheduled trip.

On Monday, Xavier Bertrand, the president of the region, said Calais migrants should be allowed to lodge UK asylum claims in France.

A Home Office source has dismissed the idea as a "complete non starter".

Under the 2003 Touquet deal between France and the UK, Britain can carry out checks in Calais to stop migrants trying to get to Britain, while French counterparts can do the equivalent in Dover.

On Monday, Mr Bertrand said he wanted a "new treatment" for asylum seekers trying to get to the UK and said people living in the Calais camp known as the Jungle should be able to apply at a "hotspot" in France rather than waiting to reach Britain.

Those who failed would be deported directly to their country of origin.

Current rules known as the Dublin Regulation state that refugees must register in the first European country they arrive in. This country usually takes charge of their asylum claim.

Passport checks

The Jungle camp has become the focal point of France"s refugee crisis with up to 9,000 people living there.

Almost every night many try to circumvent passport checks by UK officials in France by hiding inside vehicles entering the port and the Channel Tunnel to get to Britain.

Image copyright PA
Image caption Home Secretary Amber Rudd will meet her French counterpart

Mr Bertrand, who is the president of Hauts-de-France region where Calais is located, does not have the power to change the treaty, but several of the candidates looking to win next year"s French presidential election, including former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, support his idea that it be either reformed or annulled.

Debate over border controls was a key issue in the EU referendum campaign with David Cameron claiming the Jungle could move to England if the UK left the EU.

But just weeks after the warning the then-PM and French President Francois Hollande agreed a "mutual commitment" to keep it in place. After the Brexit vote Theresa May and Mr Hollande reiterated the commitment.

Why don"t Calais migrants claim asylum in France?

Image copyright AFP

Under EU rules, known as the Dublin Regulation, asylum seekers should claim asylum in the first safe country they come to.

British officials must also take responsibility for claims made elsewhere in the EU if the person can demonstrate they have close family members living legally in the UK.

Electronic fingerprinting means many who make it further into Europe will end up being sent back to Italy or Greece, where many first entered the EU.

UK politicians say under the Dublin rules, migrants in Calais should claim asylum in France if they need protection.

But many migrants say their life in France is "no good", and they hope for better opportunities in the UK.

Image copyright Reuters
Image caption Under the Treaty of Le Touquet, British immigration officials check passports in Calais

A Home office source told the BBC the idea of allowing migrants to claim asylum in the UK whilst still in France was a "complete non starter".

A Home Office spokesman said the home secretary will discuss "a broad range of issues" related to security with her French counterpart on Tuesday.

"We remain committed to working together to protect our shared border in Calais and to maintain the juxtaposed controls," he said.

"The French government has repeatedly made it clear that removing the juxtaposed controls would not be in the interests of France."

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UK and France to hold migration talks

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