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miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016

Bali police murder: UK and Australian suspects in re-enactment

Sara Connor was also directed by police to stage her involvementImage copyright Reuters
Image caption Both suspects played out a number of scenes under police direction.

A British man and his Australian girlfriend have re-enacted the circumstances surrounding the death of a police officer on a beach in Bali.

David James Taylor and Sara Connor were arrested in Bali early this month.

Both have been named as suspects, and could face up to 15 years in jail. They deny murdering Wayan Sudarsa.

The pair were brought to Kuta beach by police to reconstruct the incident, wearing orange prison clothing and name signs around their necks.

They re-enacted a fight between Mr Taylor and Mr Sudarsa, through a number of scenes dictated by police, as photographers called for clearer views.

Mr Taylor also mimed an attack with a broken bottle. Police say a beer bottle found near the scene might be the murder weapon.

Ms Connor also acted out climbing on the back of the prone police officer, holding a walkie-talkie.

Ms Connor"s lawyer told Australian media that she was forced to re-enact scenes she said never took place. The couple have reportedly been kept apart during their time under arrest.

Image copyright Reuters
Image caption David James Taylor and Sara Connor were brought to the scene by police

Mr Taylor, 33, who performs as DJ Nutzo, and Ms Connor, 45, have not been charged over the 17 August death. Under Indonesian law, police have 120 days to build their case.

Police said the couple"s blood was found near the crime scene, in their hotel room and on Mr Taylor"s scooter.

"He [Taylor] found an old cell phone, he hit the guy"s head on the back maybe twice. There is a bottle and an old phone," Mr Sihombing told the Australian Broadcasting Corp.

"They found on their clothes and trousers a stain of blood and hair, that"s why they tried to get rid of them by burning their clothes."

Mr Taylor"s lawyer, Erick Sihombing, previously told Australian media his client had confessed to hitting the police officer during an argument over Ms Connor"s missing handbag.

Ms Connor"s legal team said she was not involved in the incident. She had reportedly gone to Bali to meet Mr Taylor after he was unable to renew a tourist visa for Australia.

Original Article

Bali police murder: UK and Australian suspects in re-enactment

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