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martes, 20 de septiembre de 2016

Rare malt whisky stolen in distillery raid

TullibardineImage copyright Google
Image caption The shop was targeted between Saturday evening and Sunday morning

A bottle of malt whisky worth £12,000 has been stolen in a raid on a Perth and Kinross distillery.

The rare malt was among seven bottles of whisky taken from Tullibardine Distillery"s shop in Blackford, Auchterarder at the weekend.

About £14,000 worth of whisky and two glasses were stolen from the shop during the break in.

Police want to trace a man seen walking with two bags near the A9 at Blackford at about 21:55 on Saturday.

He was described as between 25 and 35-years-old, of medium build, and was wearing a red top, light-coloured shorts and worker boots.

Police Scotland said the Stirling Street shop was broken into between 17:00 on Saturday and 09:25 on Sunday.

Original Article

Rare malt whisky stolen in distillery raid

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