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domingo, 16 de octubre de 2016

US Secretary Kerry visits London for Syria and Yemen talks

John Kerry and Sergei Lavrov Image copyright AP
Image caption John Kerry met Russia"s Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov (left), on Saturday for peace talks

US Secretary of State John Kerry is meeting his UK, French, German and Italian counterparts in London as part of renewed Syria peace efforts.

On Saturday he met Russia"s Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, along with representatives from other countries with stakes in the five-year conflict.

Nothing concrete resulted but the US and Russia spoke of "ideas" emerging.

The London talks began with discussions about Yemen and a call for a ceasefire in the two-year conflict.

"This is the time to implement a ceasefire unconditionally and then move to the negotiating table," Mr Kerry said.

The appeal for a ceasefire within days was joined by the UK and the UN Yemen envoy, Ould Cheikh Ahmed.

The Yemen conflict, involving a Saudi-led multinational coalition backing the internationally recognised president against Houthi rebels, has seen more than 6,800 people killed, many of them civilians.

Syria bombing

A ceasefire in Syria brokered last month collapsed after just a few days.

Since then Syrian forces, backed by Russia, have been bombing the city of Aleppo – the most high-profile battleground in the country"s civil war – in what Washington has called a war crime.

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Aid agencies say a 72-hour ceasefire is urgently needed to allow supplies in and civilians out of devastated areas in the rebel-held and government-besieged east of the city, where 275,000 people live.

Image copyright AP
Image caption Talks on Saturday brought no progress on ending the bombing of Aleppo

Mr Kerry"s talks with his European counterparts are being hosted by the UK"s Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson.

No representatives of the Syrian government or opposition are present.

On Saturday Russia and the US were joined at peace talks in Lausanne, Switzerland, by countries which back opposing sides in the war.

Representatives from Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Turkey were there. Iranian troops are currently supporting Syrian forces, while Saudi Arabia is arming the opposition. Turkey is backing rebels who are currently advancing on Dabiq, a symbolic stronghold of the so-called Islamic State group.

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After five hours in Switzerland negotiations broke up with no agreement on an end to the bombing of Aleppo or on aid for Syria"s besieged towns. But all the diplomats agreed to continue talking.

Mr Kerry suggested there could be a new road map for a ceasefire and a political transition for the country.

Russia"s foreign ministry said on Sunday that the Lausanne talks had agreed it was up to Syrians to decide the country"s future through dialogue and that Syria should remain secular.

Russia also repeated its position that Syrian moderate rebels should separate from the Islamist Jabhat Fatah al Sham, previously known as the Nusra Front.

Image copyright PA
Image caption Boris Johnson said those behind some of the attacks in Aleppo should face trial for war crimes

The talks in London follow an emergency debate in the House of Commons on Tuesday on the situation in Syria.

During the debate Mr Johnson said he would like to see a protest against bombings of Aleppo, which are being blamed on Russia, an ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, outside the Russian embassy.

But Moscow, which denies the claims, accused him of "Russophobic hysteria".

The United Nations has warned that eastern Aleppo, where an estimated 275,000 people still live, could face "total destruction" within two months.

Last week, Russia vetoed a UN Security Council resolution drafted by France calling for an end to the bombing in the city.

Original Article

US Secretary Kerry visits London for Syria and Yemen talks

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