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jueves, 25 de agosto de 2016

Colombians celebrate as peace deal is reached with Farc rebels

Colombians celebrate as they watch on a giant screen broadcasted from Havana, Cuba, the signing of agreement of conclusion of the peace talks between the Colombian Government and FARC guerrilla, on August 24, 2016, in Bogota.Image copyright AFP
Image caption People gathered in Bogota and held up balloons spelling out the word "Paz", or Peace

Hundreds of Colombians have celebrated an historic peace accord between the government and left-wing Farc rebels, signed after 52 years of conflict.

The announcement was broadcast live on Wednesday from Havana, Cuba, where peace talks have been held for more than two years.

The conflict has killed an estimated 220,000 people and displaced millions.

President Juan Manuel Santos called the deal "the beginning of the end to the suffering, pain and tragedy of war".

"War is over"

"The Colombian government and the Farc announce that we have reached a final, full and definitive accord," Colombian government and Farc negotiators said in a joint statement.

  • Who are the Farc?

  • Inside a Farc camp

  • Timeline of the conflict

  • Guerrilla leader who talks peace

The head of the Colombian delegation, Humberto de la Calle, and the chief Farc negotiator, Ivan Marquez, signed the agreement at a ceremony in Cuba.

Both sides have agreed to work together to address social exclusion, to deliver justice to the victims of the conflict and build a stable and enduring peace.

Image copyright Reuters
Image caption Colombian government negotiator Humberto de la Calle (right) and his Farc counterpart Ivan Marquez (left) signed the agreement as Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez watched

"We have reached our goal," said Mr de la Calle.

"The war is over but also there is also new beginning. This agreement opens the door to a more inclusive society," he added.

Image copyright AP
Image caption The announcement was broadcast live from Havana and was shown on large screens in the streets of Bogota

"Die in peace"

In Bogota, hundreds of people, many dressed in white, gathered at different points of the city waving the Colombian flag and cheering.

"I can die in peace because finally I"ll see my country without violence with a future for my children," 57-year-old Orlando Guevara told the Associated Press news agency.

Farc negotiator Ivan Marquez said the Farc and the government had "won the most beautiful of all battles: the peace of Colombia".

At the scene: Will Grant, BBC News, Havana

Image copyright Reuters

Together, the once bitter enemies stood – guerrilla leaders and former generals, foot soldiers and career diplomats – and sang the Colombian national anthem.

In the end their shared understanding of what Colombia is, appears to have won out over their sharp differences as the two sides took their seats to announce the end of almost five decades of fighting.

It has taken nearly four years of talks, which on several occasions looked on the verge of collapse.

The question now, as the peace process moves from Havana back to Bogota, is whether the terms agreed in Havana will be acceptable to the Colombian people. A referendum on the deal is expected in October.

The two sides had signed a bilateral ceasefire in June, paving the way for a final agreement.

"It has been a difficult job, with bright and dark moments," added Mr Marquez.

Media captionWatch to see what life is like inside a Farc camp

President Barack Obama phoned his Colombian counterpart, Juan Manuel Santos, to congratulate him on the deal.

"The president recognised this historic day as a critical juncture in what will be a long process to fully implement a just and lasting peace agreement that can advance security and prosperity for the Colombian people," said the White House in a statement.

"No winners or losers"

Under the terms of the agreement, the Farc will give up its armed struggle and join the legal political process.

Image copyright AP
Image caption Farc fighters have agreed to end their five-decade long struggle and lay down their arms for good

The Farc has agreed to renounce its armed struggle to join the legal political process.

"There is no room for winners or losers when you achieve peace through negotiations," tweeted Farc negotiator Rodrigo Granda. "Colombia wins, death loses."

The left-wing rebels have been fighting Colombian government since 1964. It is the longest-running conflict in Latin America.

The deal will need to be approved by Colombians in a popular vote, which will take place on 2 October, Mr Santos announced.

"It will be the most important election of our lives," he said on national television shortly after the deal was signed.

Former President Alvaro Uribe is leading the campaign to get the agreement rejected.

Original Article

Colombians celebrate as peace deal is reached with Farc rebels

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