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lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016

China bans students tearing up textbooks

Chinese students studying for the Gaokao exam in 2013

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The notoriously difficult “Gaokao” exam determines whether and where students will go to university

A Chinese city has banned high school students from tearing up textbooks or yelling in hallways to relieve exam pressure, state media said.

The ban, issued by the Xiamen Education Bureau, comes just ten days before the National College Entrance Examination.

Almost ten million students across China sit for the notoriously difficult, two-day exam every year.

High schools should instead provide psychological guidance, the China Youth Daily report said.

An “unconventional measure of blowing off steam before the exam has prevailed in recent years, with students tearing their textbooks into pieces and throwing them off the school building. Some choose to yell in the school buildings to cheer themselves up as well,” said CCTV in an online post.

Xiamen officials also encouraged schools to let students relieve stress in a more “healthy way”, the post said, without giving specifics.

The exams, known as “Gaokao”, will determine whether and where students go to university

According to the Global Times, seven students in Hubei Province were allegedly expelled last year for tearing up textbooks and flinging them out of the school’s windows.

The school later said the students had only been warned and they would still be able to take the exam.

All copyrights for this article are reserved to BBC News

China bans students tearing up textbooks

BBC News, Noticias | #BBCNews #Noticias | La tienda de JM

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