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miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016

Aprende inglés con las noticias: acuerdan el reanudamiento de los vuelos entre EE.UU. y Cuba

En esta nueva serie, los periodistas de la BBC te ayudan a practicar inglés con los titulares de las noticias de la semana. Mira el video y aprende nuevo vocabulario.

Titulares y transcripción en inglés

  • US-Cuba flights return

  • Australia drug bust

  • Male cosmetic surgery surge

The United States and Cuba have signed a deal restoring commercial flights between the countries for the first time in more than 50 years. The agreement in Havana means there could be more than 100 flights a day within months. But it is still at the moment technically illegal for American citizens to visit Cuba as tourists.

Police in Australia say they’ve made one of the biggest drug busts in the country’s history. Officers seized around $1bn worth of methamphetamine hidden inside push-up bras in a shipping container from Hong Kong.

A record number of people had cosmetic surgery in the UK last year – more than 50,000 people went under the knife. This, according to data released by the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. It also shows that for the first time the number of men opting for procedures went up by a greater percentage than the number of women.


restoring: bringing back as it was before

seized: took away forcibly (usually describes police action)

went under the knife: had surgery, was operated on by a doctor


Use one of the words or phrases from Lingohack to complete each of these sentences. Note that you may have to change the form of a word or phrase to complete the sentence correctly.

restoring / seized / went under the knife

1. Customs officers at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris have __________ 115 live scorpions which were hidden in two separate shipments.

2. Engineers worked speedily to __________ electricity supplies to the local hospital which has been without power since the storm.

3. Mandy couldn’t tolerate any sign of aging. She didn’t hesitate __________ to get rid of her wrinkles.


1. Customs officers at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris have seized 115 live scorpions which were hidden in two separate shipments.

2. Engineers worked speedily to restore electricity supplies to the local hospital which has been without power since the storm.

3. Mandy couldn’t tolerate any sign of aging. She didn’t hesitate going under the knife to get rid of her wrinkles.

All copyrights for this article are reserved to BBC news

Aprende inglés con las noticias: acuerdan el reanudamiento de los vuelos entre EE.UU. y Cuba

BBC News, noticias | #BBCNews #Noticias | La tienda de JM

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